Missouri Beef Queen- Mikaela Rojas
My name is Mikaela Rohan and I am the 18-year-old daughter of Bryon and Alicia Rohan. I live on a small commercial cattle operation in north central Missouri where my family raises Charolais influenced and Red Angus cattle. I am currently a senior at Linn County High School and actively participate in extracurricular activities. I serve as my class president, student council president, Linn county FFA Chapter president, Area 3 FFA president, and FTA president. I am also. a member of NHS and FCA and also on the high school basketball, softball and track teams.
One of my biggest blessings in life is being born and raised in the beef industry. I grew up exhibiting steers and heifers at livestock shows across the county. After years of work, I was fortunate enough to exhibit the Grand Champion and Reserve Overall Market Steers at the Missouri State Fair. I find so much hoy in working cattle with my family, helping my sisters with heir show steers in the barn, and assisting my dad during calving season. Outside of the barn, I enjoy reading, exercising and listening to music.
After high school, I plan to attend the Moberly Area Community College to receive my associates degree. I will then major in agriculture with an emphasis in communication at the University of Missouri. After I receive my degree I plan on working in a public relations or marketing position for an agriculture related company. I want to utilize my degree and passion for writing to benefit the agricultural industry.
I want to thank the Missouri Cattlemen's Association and Missouri CattleWomen for giving me this opportunity to further my education and introduce me to people in the business. I am thrilled to advocate for the beef industry.